Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 981 - 1015 of 1815
equestrienne 여자 기수 yeo ja gi su
equiangular 등각의 deung gag ui
equidistance 등거리 deung geo li
equidistant 등거리의 deung geo li ui
equilateral 등변의 deung byeon ui
equilibrate 평형시키다 more translation pyeong hyeong si ki da
equilibration 평형 more translation pyeong hyeong
equilibrator 균형을 유지시키는 것 more translation gyun hyeong eul yu ji si ki neun geot
equilibrist 줄타는 사람 jul ta neun sa lam
equilibrium 평형 more translation pyeong hyeong
equine 말의 mal ui
equinoctial 적도의 more translation jeok do ui
equip 채비를 갖추다 more translation chae bi leul gat chu da
equip with 부여하다 more translation bu yeo ha da
equipage 마차 more translation ma cha
equipment 장비 more translation jang bi
equipoise 균형 more translation gyun hyeong
equipollence 힘의 균등 him ui gyun deung
equipollent 힘이 같은 more translation him i gat eun
equiponderant 무게가 평균된 more translation mu ge ga pyeong gyun doen
equiponderate 평균 시키다 pyeong gyun si ki da
equipped 장비를 갖춘 jang bi leul gat chun
equitable 공정한 more translation gong jeong han
equitably 공평하게 more translation gong pyeong ha ge
equitation 마술 ma sul
equity 공평 more translation gong pyeong
equivalence 가치의 동등 more translation ga chi ui dong deung
equivalency 같음 more translation gat eum
equivalent 같은 more translation gat eun
equivalently 동적으로 more translation dong jeog eu lo
equivocal 애매한 more translation ae mae han
equivocate 모호한 말을 쓰다 more translation mo ho han mal eul sseu da
equivocation 모호한 말 mo ho han mal
equivoke 모호한 말투 more translation mo ho han mal tu
equivoque 모호한 말투 more translation mo ho han mal tu

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ghost · 유령

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