Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 1293
accede 응하다 more translation eung ha da
accelerant 촉진제 chok jin je
accelerate 가속하다 more translation ga sok ha da
accelerated 속도가 붙은 more translation sok do ga but eun
acceleration 가속 ga sok
accelerative 촉진적인 more translation chok jin jeog in
accelerator 가속자 more translation ga sok ja
accelerometer 가속계 ga sok gye
accent 강조점 more translation gang jo jeom
accented 강조된 gang jo doen
accentual 악센트의 ak sen teu ui
accentually 강약이 있게 gang yag i it ge
accentuate 강조하다 more translation gang jo ha da
accentuation 강조 more translation gang jo
accept 받아들이다 more translation bad a deul i da
acceptable 용인할 수 있는 more translation yong in hal su it neun
acceptableness 받아들 일 수 있음 more translation bad a deul il su iss eum
acceptably 수용할 수 있게 more translation su yong hal su it ge
acceptance 받아들임 more translation bad a deul im
acceptant 수락자 su lak ja
accepted 인정된 more translation in jeong doen
accepter 받아들이는 사람 more translation bad a deul i neun sa lam
accepting 받아들이는 more translation bad a deul i neun
acceptor 수납자 more translation su nap ja
access 접근하다 more translation jeop geun ha da
accessibility 접근할 수 있음 jeop geun hal su iss eum
accessible 접근가능한 more translation jeop geun ga neung han
accessibleness 접근력 more translation jeop geun lyeok
accessibly 접근할 수 있게 more translation jeop geun hal su it ge
accession 가입 more translation ga ip
accessory 장신구 more translation jang sin gu
accident 사고 more translation sa go
accidental 우연의 more translation u yeon ui
accidentally 우연히 u yeon hi
accidentalness 우연 more translation u yeon

Word of the day:
trough · 낮은 곳

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