Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 1293
acclaim 칭송하다 more translation ching song ha da
acclamation 환호 more translation hwan ho
acclimate 적응하다 jeog eung ha da
acclimatization 적응 jeog eung
acclimatize 익히다 more translation ik hi da
acclivity 치받이 chi bad i
acclivous 치받이의 chi bad i ui
accolade 포상 more translation po sang
accommodate 수용하다 more translation su yong ha da
accommodating 남을 돕는 more translation nam eul dop neun
accommodatingly 융통성있게 more translation yung tong seong it ge
accommodation 주거지 ju geo ji
accomodation 적용 more translation jeog yong
accompaniment 반주 more translation ban ju
accompanist 반주자 ban ju ja
accompany 동반하다 more translation dong ban ha da
accompanying 따르는 tta leu neun
accomplice 공범 gong beom
accomplish 성취하다 more translation seong chwi ha da
accomplishable 성취할 수 있는 more translation seong chwi hal su it neun
accomplished 성취된 more translation seong chwi doen
accomplishment 성취 more translation seong chwi
accord 합의 more translation hab ui
accordance 적합 more translation jeok hap
accordant ~와 일치하는 more translation wa il chi ha neun
accordantly 조화롭게 jo hwa lop ge
according ~에 따라서 e tta la seo
accordingly 따라서 tta la seo
accordion 아코디언 a ko di eon
accordionist 아코디언 연주자 a ko di eon yeon ju ja
accost 가까이 가서 말을 걸다 ga kka i ga seo mal eul geol da
accouchement 해산 hae san
accoucheur 조산사 jo san sa
accoucheuse 산파 san pa
account 구좌 more translation gu jwa

Word of the day:
embellishment · 치장

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