Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 1293
ably 유능하게 more translation yu neung ha ge
abnegate 끊다 kkeunh da
abnegation 거절 geo jeol
abnormal 비정상적인 bi jeong sang jeog in
abnormality 이상 i sang
abnormity 이상 more translation i sang
aboard 탑승한 more translation tap seung han
abode 거주지 geo ju ji
abolish 폐지하다 pye ji ha da
abolishable 폐지할 수 있는 more translation pye ji hal su it neun
abolishment 폐지 more translation pye ji
abolition 폐지 more translation pye ji
abominable 끔찍한 kkeum jjik han
abominably 혐오스럽게 more translation hyeom o seu leop ge
abominate 혐오하다 more translation hyeom o ha da
abomination 질색 more translation jil saek
aboriginal 원주민의 more translation won ju min ui
aborigine 원주민 won ju min
abort 유산시키다 more translation yu san si ki da
aborted 유산된 more translation yu san doen
aborter 낙태시킨 사람 more translation nak tae si kin sa lam
abortion 유산 more translation yu san
abortional 낙태의 nak tae ui
abortionist 낙대 시술자 nak dae si sul ja
abortive 실패의 more translation sil pae ui
abortively 유산하여 yu san ha yeo
abound 풍부하다 more translation pung bu ha da
about 거의 more translation geo ui
above 위에 more translation wi e
aboveboard 공정한 more translation gong jeong han
aboveground 지상의 more translation ji sang ui
abradant 연마제 more translation yeon ma je
abrade 마멸시키다 more translation ma myeol si ki da
abranchial 아가미 없는 a ga mi eopt neun
abranchiate 아가미 없는 a ga mi eopt neun

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