Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1293
abductor 유괴자 more translation yu goe ja
abeam ... 와 직각 방향으로 wa jik gag bang hyang eu lo
abecedarian 초보의 cho bo ui
abed 누워있는 nu wo it neun
aberdevine 방울새 bang ul sae
aberrant 일탈적인 more translation il tal jeog in
aberration 정도에서 벗어남 more translation jeong do e seo beos eo nam
abet 사주하다 more translation sa ju ha da
abetment 교사 gyo sa
abettor 교사자 gyo sa ja
abeyance 중지 more translation jung ji
abeyant 중지중의 jung ji jung ui
abhor 혐오하다 more translation hyeom o ha da
abhorrence 혐오 more translation hyeom o
abhorrent 혐오스러운 more translation hyeom o seu leo un
abhorrently 혐오스럽게 more translation hyeom o seu leop ge
abidance 지속 more translation ji sok
abide 따르다 more translation tta leu da
abiding 오래 지속되는 more translation o lae ji sok doe neun
abidingly 계속해서 more translation gye sok hae seo
abidingness 참음 more translation cham eum
ability 능력 more translation neung lyeok
abiogenesis 자연발생 more translation ja yeon bal saeng
abject 절망적인 more translation jeol mang jeog in
abjection 비열 more translation bi yeol
abjectness 비열함 more translation bi yeol ham
abjure 공공연하게 버리다 gong gong yeon ha ge beo li da
ablate 제거하다 je geo ha da
ablation 제거 je geo
ablaut 모음 전환 more translation mo eum jeon hwan
ablaze 불타는 more translation bul ta neun
able ~할수있다 more translation hal su it da
abloom 꽃이 피는 more translation kkoc i pi neun
ablush 얼굴을 붉히고 eol gul eul bulk hi go
ablution 목욕 more translation mog yok

Word of the day:
underhandedness · 교활함

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