Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 1293
accountability 책임 chaeg im
accountable 책임이 있는 more translation chaeg im i it neun
accountableness 설명될 수 있음 more translation seol myeong doel su iss eum
accountancy 회계 more translation hoe gye
accountant 회계사 hoe gye sa
accounting 경리 more translation gyeong li
accoutre 복장을 착용시키다 bok jang eul chag yong si ki da
accredit 승인하다 more translation seung in ha da
accreditation 신임장 수여 more translation sin im jang su yeo
accredited 공인된 more translation gong in doen
accrete 늘리다 more translation neul li da
accretion 부착 more translation bu chak
accrual 증가 jeung ga
accrue 축적하다 more translation chuk jeok ha da
accrued 축척된 more translation chuk cheok doen
acculturate 동화되다 dong hwa doe da
accumulate 모으다 more translation mo eu da
accumulated 축적된 more translation chuk jeok doen
accumulation 모으기 more translation mo eu gi
accumulative 축적하는 more translation chuk jeok ha neun
accumulatively 축적적으로 more translation chuk jeok jeog eu lo
accumulator 축적자 more translation chuk jeok ja
accuracy 정확성 more translation jeong hwak seong
accurate 정확한 more translation jeong hwak han
accurately 정확히 jeong hwak hi
accurateness 정확함 jeong hwak ham
accursed 저주 받은 more translation jeo ju bad eun
accursedly 죄에 몰려 more translation joe e mol lyeo
accurst 저주 받은 more translation jeo ju bad eun
accusable 비난할 만한 more translation bi nan hal man han
accusal 비난 bi nan
accusation 비난 more translation bi nan
accusatorial 고발자의 go bal ja ui
accusatory 고소의 more translation go so ui
accuse 비난하다 more translation bi nan ha da

Word of the day:
nauseatingly · 혐오스럽게

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