Translation of “accent” in Korean

4 translation entries available
English accent
Type noun
Korean 강조점
Pronunciation gang jo jeom
Definition particular attention or emphasis: an accent on learning
Where can I put an accent on this word?
이 단어는 어디에 강조점을 두어야 하나요?
English accent
Type noun
Korean 사투리
Pronunciation sa tu li
Definition the characteristic mode of pronunciation of a person or group, esp one that betrays social or geographical origin
The old woman spoke with a strange accent.
나이 많은 여자가 이상한 사투리로 아야기했습니다.
English accent
Type verb
Korean 악센트를 두다
Pronunciation ak sen teu leul du da
English accent
Type verb
Korean 강조하다
Pronunciation gang jo ha da

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