Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 819
residue 찌꺼기 more translation jji kkeo gi
resign 사임하다 sa im ha da
resignation 사임 sa im
resignation letter 사표 sa pyo
resilient 회복력이 있는 more translation hoe bok lyeog i it neun
resin 수지 more translation su ji
resist 저항하다 jeo hang ha da
resistant 반대 more translation ban dae
resolute 단호한 dan ho han
resolution 해결 more translation hae gyeol
resolve 해결하다 hae gyeol ha da
resort 휴양지 more translation hyu yang ji
respect 존경하다 jon gyeong ha da
respiration 호흡 ho heup
respiratory 호흡기관의 ho heup gi gwan ui
resplendent 눈부시게 빛나는 nun bu si ge bic na neun
respond 대응하다 dae eung ha da
response 응답 more translation eung dap
responsibility 책임 chaeg im
responsible 책임있는 more translation chaeg im it neun
rest 쉬다 swi da
restaurant 식당 sik dang
restitution 반환 more translation ban hwan
restoration 복구 bok gu
restorative 원기를 회복시키는 won gi leul hoe bok si ki neun
restore 회복시키다 hoe bok si ki da
restrain 억누르다 eok nu leu da
restraint 규제 more translation gyu je
restrict 제한하다 je han ha da
restroom 화장실 hwa jang sil
result 결과 gyeol gwa
resultant 그에 따른 geu e tta leun
resume 재개하다 jae gae ha da
resumption 재개 jae gae
resurgent 되살아난 doe sal a nan

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wild · 야생의

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