Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 819
revel 술잔치 more translation sul jan chi
revelation 폭로 more translation pok lo
revelry 향연 more translation hyang yeon
revenge 복수하다 more translation bok su ha da
revengeful 복수의 칼을가는 more translation bok su ui kal eul ga neun
revengefully 복수심에 불타서 more translation bok su sim e bul ta seo
revenger 복수자 bok su ja
revenue 수입 more translation su ip
reverberant 반향하는 ban hyang ha neun
reverberantly 반향적으로 more translation ban hyang jeog eu lo
reverberate 울리다 more translation ul li da
reverberation 반향 more translation ban hyang
reverberator 반사기 ban sa gi
revere 공경하다 more translation gong gyeong ha da
reverence 숭배 more translation sung bae
reverend 목사 more translation mok sa
reverent 경건한 more translation gyeong geon han
reverently 존경하게 more translation jon gyeong ha ge
reverie 환상 more translation hwan sang
reversal 반전 more translation ban jeon
reverse 뒤집다 more translation dwi jip da
reversible 거꾸로 할 수 있는 more translation geo kku lo hal su it neun
reversibly 거꾸로 more translation geo kku lo
reversion 회귀 more translation hoe gwi
reversionary 장래 복귀해야 할 more translation jang lae bok gwi hae ya hal
revert 복귀하다 more translation bok gwi ha da
revertible 되돌아 갈 수 있는 doe dol a gal su it neun
revet 돌로 덮다 more translation dol lo deop da
revetment 피복 pi bok
review 복습하다 more translation bok seup ha da
reviewable 재조사 할 수 있는 more translation jae jo sa hal su it neun
reviewer 비평가 bi pyeong ga
revile 욕하다 more translation yok ha da
revilement 욕지거리 more translation yok ji geo li
revisable 수정할 수 있는 more translation su jeong hal su it neun

Word of the day:
unify · 하나가 되게 하다

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