Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 819
reminisce 추억에 잠기다 more translation chu eog e jam gi da
reminiscent 연상시키는 yeon sang si ki neun
remiss 태만한 tae man han
remit 보내다 bo nae da
remittance 송금 song geum
remnant 나머지 more translation na meo ji
remorse 회한 hoe han
remote more translation meon
removal 제거 je geo
remove 치우다 chi u da
renaissance 문예 부흥 more translation mun ye bu heung
render 만들다 man deul da
rendition 연주 yeon ju
renew 갱신하다 gaeng sin ha da
renewal 갱신 more translation gaeng sin
renounce 포기하다 po gi ha da
renown 명성 myeong seong
rent 임대 im dae
repair 수리하다 su li ha da
reparation 보상금 more translation bo sang geum
repay 갚다 gap da
repeat 반복하다 ban bok ha da
repel 물리치다 mul li chi da
repellent 역겨운 more translation yeok gyeo un
repent 회개하다 hoe gae ha da
repentant 뉘우치는 nwi u chi neun
repertory 레퍼토리 le peo to li
repetition 반복 ban bok
repetitious 중복되는 jung bok doe neun
repetitive 반복적인 ban bok jeog in
replace 바꾸다 ba kku da
replenish 다시 채우다 da si chae u da
replete 가득한 ga deuk han
replica 복제품 more translation bok je pum
reply 대답 dae dap

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jealousy · 질투

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