Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 513
placenta 태반 tae ban
plagiarism 표절 pyo jeol
plagiarist 표절자 pyo jeol ja
plague 괴롭히다 more translation goe lop hi da
plain 단순한 dan sun han
plaintive 구슬픈 gu seul peun
plan 계획 gye hoek
plane 비행기 more translation bi haeng gi
planet 행성 haeng seong
planetarium 천문관 cheon mun gwan
planetary 행성의 haeng seong ui
plank 널판지 neol pan ji
plankton 플랑크톤 peul lang keu ton
plant 식물 more translation sik mul
plantation 농장 nong jang
plaque more translation pae
plasm 혈장 hyeol jang
plaster 석고 seok go
plastic 플라스틱 peul la seu tik
plate pan
plateau 고원 go won
platform 연단 yeon dan
platinum 백금 more translation baek geum
platoon 소대 so dae
plausible 그럴듯한 geu leol deut han
play 놀다 more translation nol da
playback 재생 jae saeng
player 선수 seon su
playground 운동장 more translation un dong jang
playmate 놀이 친구 nol i chin gu
playwright 극작가 geuk jak ga
plea 탄원 more translation tan won
plead 탄원하다 tan won ha da
pleasant 즐거운 jeul geo un
please 기쁘게하다 more translation gi ppeu ge ha da

Word of the day:
unavailingly · 헛되게

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