Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 513
period 기간 gi gan
perish 죽다 more translation juk da
permanent 영구적인 yeong gu jeog in
permit 허가 heo ga
perpendicular 수직의 su jig ui
perpetual 빈번한 bin beon han
persist 지속하다 ji sok ha da
person 사람 sa lam
personal 개인의 gae in ui
personality 인격 in gyeok
perspective 전망 jeon mang
perverse 비뚤어진 bi ttul eo jin
pervert 변태 more translation byeon tae
pessimistic 비관적인 bi gwan jeog in
pest 해충 hae chung
pesticide 살충제 sal chung je
pestilential 성가신 more translation seong ga sin
pet 애완동물 ae wan dong mul
petal 꽃잎 kkoc ip
petition 탄원 tan won
petrify 굳게하다 gut ge ha da
petrol 휘발유 hwi bal yu
petroleum 석유 seog yu
petty 작은 more translation jag eun
phantom 유령 yu lyeong
pharmacist 약사 yak sa
pharmacology 약물학 yak mul hak
pharmacy 약국 yak guk
phase 변화 byeon hwa
pheasant kkwong
phenomenon 현상 hyeon sang
philanthropic 자선의 ja seon ui
philanthropy 박애주의 more translation bag ae ju ui
philology 언어학 eon eo hak
philosophy 철학 cheol hak

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tornado · 폭풍

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