Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 513
pen pen
penal 형법상의 hyeong beop sang ui
penalty 형벌 more translation hyeong beol
penance 참회 cham hoe
pencil 연필 yeon pil
pending 미결정의 mi gyeol jeong ui
pendulum chu
penetrate 침투하다 chim tu ha da
penguin 펭귄 peng gwin
penicillin 페니실린 pe ni sil lin
peninsula 반도 ban do
penis 음경 eum gyeong
penitent 참회하는 more translation cham hoe ha neun
penitentiary 교도소 gyo do so
pension 연금 yeon geum
pentagon 5각형 gak hyeong
penurious 몹시 가난한 mop si ga nan han
penury 빈곤 bin gon
people 국민 guk min
pepper 후추 hu chu
perceive 여기다 more translation yeo gi da
percent 백분 more translation baek bun
percentage 비율 bi yul
percentile 백분위수 baek bun wi su
perception 자각 more translation ja gak
percolate 거르다 more translation geo leu da
percussion 충돌 more translation chung dol
perfect 완벽한 wan byeok han
perfidious 믿을수 없는 mid eul su eopt neun
perfidy 배신 bae sin
perforate 구멍을 내다 gu meong eul nae da
perform 실행하다 sil haeng ha da
perfume 향수 hyang su
perhaps 아마 a ma
peril 위험 wi heom

Word of the day:
uninspiringly · 고취되지 않게

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