Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1716 - 1750 of 1815
externalization 개관화 more translation gae gwan hwa
externalize 외면화하다 oe myeon hwa ha da
externally 외부적으로 more translation oe bu jeog eu lo
externals 외관 oe gwan
exterritorial 치외 법권의 chi oe beop gwon ui
exterritoriality 치외 법권 chi oe beop gwon
extinct 꺼진 more translation kkeo jin
extinction 소화 more translation so hwa
extinguish 진화하다 more translation jin hwa ha da
extinguishable 소멸시킬수 있는 more translation so myeol si kil su it neun
extinguisher 끄는 사람 more translation kkeu neun sa lam
extinguishing 절멸 more translation jeol myeol
extirpate 근절하다 more translation geun jeol ha da
extirpation 근절 geun jeol
extirpator 근절사 geun jeol sa
extol 칭찬하다 more translation ching chan ha da
extoll 칭찬하다 more translation ching chan ha da
extorsion 공갈 more translation gong gal
extorsively 협박을 통해 hyeop bag eul tong hae
extort 강제로 탈취하다 more translation gang je lo tal chwi ha da
extortion 공갈 more translation gong gal
extortionate 강요하는 more translation gang yo ha neun
extortioner 강탈하는 사람 more translation gang tal ha neun sa lam
extortionist 강탈하는 사람 gang tal ha neun sa lam
extra 추가 more translation chu ga
extract 끌어내다 more translation kkeul eo nae da
extracting 적출 jeok chul
extraction 뽑아냄 ppob a naem
extractive 추출물 more translation chu chul mul
extractor 추출자 more translation chu chul ja
extracurricular 과외의 more translation gwa oe ui
extracurricular activity 과외활동 gwa oe hwal dong
extraditable 인도되어야 할 in do doe eo ya hal
extradite 넘겨주다 more translation neom gyeo ju da
extradition 외국 범인의 인도 oe gug beom in ui in do

Word of the day:
finger · 지적하다

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