Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1611 - 1645 of 1815
expiration 만기 more translation man gi
expiratory 내쉬는 숨의 nae swi neun sum ui
expire 만기가되다 more translation man gi ga doe da
expiry 만료 more translation man lyo
explain 설명하다 more translation seol myeong ha da
explainable 설명할 수 있는 more translation seol myeong hal su it neun
explainer 설명자 seol myeong ja
explanation 설명 more translation seol myeong
explanatory 설명적인 more translation seol myeong jeog in
expletive 조사 more translation jo sa
explicable 천명할 수 있는 cheon myeong hal su it neun
explicate 설명하다 more translation seol myeong ha da
explication 설명 seol myeong
explicative 설명이 되는 seol myeong i doe neun
explicatory 설명이 되는 seol myeong i doe neun
explicit 명백한 more translation myeong baek han
explicitly 명백하게 more translation myeong baek ha ge
explicitness 명백함 more translation myeong baek ham
explode 폭발하다 more translation pok bal ha da
exploder 폭발 장치 pok bal jang chi
exploit 공훈 more translation gong hun
exploitation 이기적 이용 more translation i gi jeog i yong
exploited 개척하는 more translation gae cheok ha neun
exploiter 이용자 more translation i yong ja
exploration 탐구 more translation tam gu
explorative 답사의 dap sa ui
exploratory 답사의 more translation dap sa ui
explore 탐험하다 more translation tam heom ha da
explorer 탐험가 more translation tam heom ga
explosion 폭발 more translation pok bal
explosive 폭발물 more translation pok bal mul
exponent 설명자 more translation seol myeong ja
exponential 지수의 ji su ui
export 수출하다 more translation su chul ha da
exportation 수출 su chul

Word of the day:
consult · 상담하다

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