Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1541 - 1575 of 1815
exorcist 귀신을 쫓아내는 사람 gwi sin eul jjoc a nae neun sa lam
exorcize 내쫓다 more translation nae jjoc da
exordial 서론의 seo lon ui
exordium 서론 seo lon
exoteric 개방적인 more translation gae bang jeog in
exothermal 발열의 more translation bal yeol ui
exothermic 발열의 more translation bal yeol ui
exotic 외래의 more translation oe lae ui
exotically 이국적으로 i guk jeog eu lo
expand 늘리다 more translation neul li da
expandability 확장력 hwak jang lyeok
expandable 팽창할 수있는 more translation paeng chang hal su it neun
expanded 넓히는 more translation neolp hi neun
expanse 넓게 퍼진 공간 more translation neolp ge peo jin gong gan
expansibility 신장력 more translation sin jang lyeok
expansible 신장할 수 있는 sin jang hal su it neun
expansion 확장 more translation hwak jang
expansionism 확장 발전론 more translation hwak jang bal jeon lon
expansive 포괄적인 more translation po gwal jeog in
expansively 포괄적으로 more translation po gwal jeog eu lo
expansiveness 포괄적임 more translation po gwal jeog im
expatiate 상세히 설명하다 more translation sang se hi seol myeong ha da
expatiation 상설 sang seol
expatriate 국외로 추방하다 more translation gug oe lo chu bang ha da
expatriation 국외 추방 more translation gug oe chu bang
expect 예상하다 more translation ye sang ha da
expectable 예상할 수 있는 more translation ye sang hal su it neun
expectance 예상 more translation ye sang
expectancy 예상 more translation ye sang
expectant 기대하는 사람 more translation gi dae ha neun sa lam
expectation 기대 more translation gi dae
expected 기대하는 more translation gi dae ha neun
expectedly 예상대로 more translation ye sang dae lo
expectorate 뱉다 baet da
expectoration 객담 gaek dam

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