Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 792
cherry blossom 벚꽃 beot kkoc
chest 가슴 ga seum
chestnut bam
chevalier 기사 gi sa
chew 씹다 ssip da
chic 멋진 meot jin
Chicago 시카고 si ka go
chick 병아리 byeong a li
chicken dalk
chide 꾸짖다 kku jit da
chief 우두머리 u du meo li
child 어린아이 eo lin a i
childhood 어린시절 eo lin si jeol
childish 어린애같은 more translation eo lin ae gat eun
children 어린이들 eo lin i deul
Children's Day 어린이날 eo lin i nal
chill 차가운 cha ga un
chilly 쌀쌀한 more translation ssal ssal han
chimney 굴뚝 gul ttuk
chin teok
China 중국 jung guk
chip 조각 jo gak
chipmunk 다람쥐 da lam jwi
chiropractor 척추지압사 cheok chu ji ap sa
chisel kkeul
chlorine 염소 yeom so
chocolate 초콜릿 cho kol lit
choice 선택 seon taek
choir 합창단 hap chang dan
choke 숨막히다 sum mak hi da
choose 선택하다 seon taek ha da
chop 자르다 ja leu da
chopstick 젓가락 jeot ga lak
chore il
chorus 합창 hap chang

Word of the day:
unfeelingly · 감정없이

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