Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 792
chancellor 총장 chong jang
change 바꾸다 more translation ba kku da
changeable 변덕스러운 byeon deok seu leo un
changeover 전환 jeon hwan
channel 채널 more translation chae neol
chant 구호 gu ho
chaotic 혼란한 hon lan han
chapel 예배실 ye bae sil
chaperon 샤프롱 sya peu long
chapter jang
char 까맣게타다 kka mah ge ta da
character 성격 more translation seong gyeok
characteristic 특이한 teug i han
charge 요금 yo geum
chariot 마차 ma cha
charity 자선 ja seon
charm 매력 mae lyeok
chart 도표 do pyo
chase 쫓다 jjoc da
chat 잡담하다 jap dam ha da
cheap ssan
cheat 속이다 sog i da
check 검사하다 geom sa ha da
cheek ppyam
cheekbone 광대뼈 gwang dae ppyeo
cheer 응원하다 eung won ha da
cheers 건배 geon bae
cheese 치즈 chi jeu
chef 요리사 yo li sa
chemise 속치마 sok chi ma
chemist 화학자 hwa hak ja
chemistry 화학 hwa hak
chemotherapy 화학요법 hwa hag yo beop
cherish 소중히 여기다 so jung hi yeo gi da
cherry 앵두 aeng du

Word of the day:
lamplighter · 점등부

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