Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 771 - 792 of 792
cunning 교활한 gyo hwal han
cup jan
cupboard 찬장 chan jang
curb 억제하다 eok je ha da
curdle 오싹하게하다 o ssak ha ge ha da
cure 치료하다 chi lyo ha da
curfew 통행금지 tong haeng geum ji
curiosity 호기심 ho gi sim
curious 호기심많은 ho gi sim manh eun
curly 곱슬거리는 gop seul geo li neun
current 현재의 hyeon jae ui
curriculum 교육과정 gyo yuk gwa jeong
curse 저주 jeo ju
curve 곡선의 gok seon ui
custody 양육권 more translation yang yuk gwon
custom 풍습 pung seup
customer 고객 go gaek
cut 자르다 ja leu da
cute 귀여운 gwi yeo un
cycle 주기 ju gi
cylinder 원기둥 won gi dung
cyst 낭종 nang jong

Word of the day:
forgetfully · 깜빡 잊고

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