Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 671
vermilion 주홍 more translation ju hong
Vermillion 주홍 more translation ju hong
vermin 해충 hae chung
verminous 벌레가 꾄 more translation beol le ga kkoen
Vermont 버몬트 beo mon teu
vernacular 일상어 more translation il sang eo
vernal 봄의 more translation bom ui
Versailles 베르사이유 be leu sa i yu
versatile 변하기쉬운 more translation byeon ha gi swi un
versatility 다재 more translation da jae
verse 운문 more translation un mun
versed 숙달한 more translation suk dal han
versemonger 엉터리 시인 eong teo li si in
versification 작시 more translation jak si
versifier 시작가 more translation si jak ga
versify 시를 짓다 more translation si leul jit da
version 특별한 형태 more translation teuk byeol han hyeong tae
verso 왼편 페이지 more translation oen pyeon pe i ji
versus ...와 대비하여 more translation wa dae bi ha yeo
vert 초록 more translation cho lok
vertebra 척추골 more translation cheok chu gol
vertebral 척추의 more translation cheok chu ui
Vertebrata 척추동물 cheok chu dong mul
vertebrate 척추가 있는 more translation cheok chu ga it neun
vertebrated 척추가 있는 cheok chu ga it neun
vertex 최고점 more translation choe go jeom
vertical 수직의 more translation su jig ui
vertically 수직적으로 more translation su jik jeog eu lo
verticil 윤생체 yun saeng che
vertiginous 현기증나는 more translation hyeon gi jeung na neun
vertigo 현기증 more translation hyeon gi jeung
verve 기백 more translation gi baek
very 매우 more translation mae u
vesicant 발포하는 more translation bal po ha neun
vesicate 수포를 생기게 하다 su po leul saeng gi ge ha da

Word of the day:
unobstructed · 흐릿하지 않은

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