Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 671
Venezuela 베네주엘라 be ne ju el la
Venezuelan 베네수엘라 사람 more translation be ne su el la sa lam
vengeance 복수 more translation bok su
vengeful 복수심이 있는 more translation bok su sim i it neun
vengefully 앙심적으로 more translation ang sim jeog eu lo
vengefulness 복수심 more translation bok su sim
venial 용서될 만한 more translation yong seo doel man han
Venice 베니스 be ni seu
venison 사슴 고기 sa seum go gi
venom 독액 more translation dog aek
venomous 독액을 분비하는 more translation dog aeg eul bun bi ha neun
venomousness more translation dok
venose 나뭇결이 있는 more translation na mut gyeol i it neun
venous 많은 맥이 있는 more translation manh eun maeg i it neun
vent 통기구 more translation tong gi gu
ventage 분출구 more translation bun chul gu
venter bae
venthole 새는 구멍 sae neun gu meong
ventilate 환기하다 more translation hwan gi ha da
ventilation 통풍 more translation tong pung
ventilator 통풍관 more translation tong pung gwan
ventral 배의 bae ui
ventricle 심실 more translation sim sil
ventriloquism 복화술 bok hwa sul
ventriloquist 복화술사 bok hwa sul sa
ventriloquize 복화하다 bok hwa ha da
venture 모험 more translation mo heom
venturer 모험자 more translation mo heom ja
venturesome 모험을 좋아하는 more translation mo heom eul joh a ha neun
venturous 모험을 좋아하는 mo heom eul joh a ha neun
venue 재판지 more translation jae pan ji
Venus 금성 more translation geum seong
veracious 진실을 말하는 more translation jin sil eul mal ha neun
veracity 진실성 more translation jin sil seong
veranda 베란다 be lan da

Word of the day:
bewitch · 홀리다

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