Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 687
manufactures 제품 je pum
manufacturing 제작 more translation je jak
manumission 해방 more translation hae bang
manumit 노예를 해방하다 more translation no ye leul hae bang ha da
manure more translation ttong
manuring 비료를 주는 것 bi lyo leul ju neun geot
manuscript 원고 more translation won go
many 많은 more translation manh eun
Maori 마오리족 ma o li jok
map 지도 more translation ji do
maple 단풍나무 dan pung na mu
mapmaker 지도제작자 ji do je jak ja
mapmaking 지도만들기 more translation ji do man deul gi
mapped 계획된 more translation gye hoek doen
mapping 지도제작 ji do je jak
mar 손상하다 more translation son sang ha da
marabou 대머리황새 more translation dae meo li hwang sae
marabout 대머리황새 more translation dae meo li hwang sae
marasmus 쇠약 more translation soe yak
marathon 마라톤 ma la ton
marathonic 중단없이 계속되는 more translation jung dan eops i gye sok doe neun
maraud 약탈하다 more translation yak tal ha da
marauder 약탈자 more translation yak tal ja
marauding 약탈을 일삼는 more translation yak tal eul il sam neun
marble 대리석 more translation dae li seok
marbled 대리석 무늬의 dae li seog mu nui ui
marblelike 대리석 같은 dae li seog gat eun
marbles 구슬놀이 more translation gu seul nol i
marcel 물결 모양으로 지지다 mul gyeol mo yang eu lo ji ji da
March 삼월 more translation sam wol
marcher 행진하는 사람 more translation haeng jin ha neun sa lam
marchioness 후작부인 more translation hu jak bu in
mare 암말 more translation am mal
margarine 마가린 ma ga lin
marge 인조버터 in jo beo teo

Word of the day:
taint · 더럽히다

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