Translation of “March” in Korean

9 translation entries available
English March
Type noun
Korean 삼월
Pronunciation sam wol
English march
Type noun
Korean 행군
Pronunciation haeng gun
English march
Type noun
Korean 도보여행
Pronunciation do bo yeo haeng
English march
Type noun
Korean 데모행진
Pronunciation de mo haeng jin
English march
Type noun
Korean 행진곡
Pronunciation haeng jin gok
English march
Type verb
Korean 도보여행하다
Pronunciation do bo yeo haeng ha da
English march
Type verb
Korean 군인처럼 행진하다
Pronunciation gun in cheo leom haeng jin ha da
English march
Type verb
Korean 시위하다
Pronunciation si wi ha da
English march
Type verb
Korean 전진하다
Pronunciation jeon jin ha da

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