Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 386 - 420 of 548
Lebanon 레바논 le ba non
lecher 호색가 ho saek ga
lecherous 음탕한 eum tang han
lechery 호색 ho saek
lectern 성서 낭독대 seong seo nang dok dae
lection 성귀 seong gwi
lector 성구를 읽는 사람 more translation seong gu leul ilk neun sa lam
lecture 강의 more translation gang ui
lecturer 강사 more translation gang sa
lectureship 강사의 직 more translation gang sa ui jik
ledge 선반 more translation seon ban
ledger 원장 more translation won jang
leech 거머리 more translation geo meo li
leek 부추 bu chu
leer 곁눈 more translation gyeot nun
leery 의심 많은 ui sim manh eun
lees 재강 jae gang
leeward 바람 불어가는 쪽 more translation ba lam bul eo ga neun jjok
leeway 풍압 more translation pung ap
left 떠났다 more translation tteo nat da
lefthanded 왼손잡이의 oen son jab i ui
lefthandedness 왼손잡이 more translation oen son jab i
leftish 좌파의 more translation jwa pa ui
leftist 좌파의 사람 more translation jwa pa ui sa lam
leftmost 가장 왼편의 ga jang oen pyeon ui
leftover 나머지 more translation na meo ji
leftovers 나머지 na meo ji
leftward 왼편 쪽에 oen pyeon jjog e
leg 다리 da li
legacy 유산 yu san
legal 법적인 more translation beop jeog in
legalist 법률 존중주의자 beop lyul jon jung ju ui ja
legality 적법함 jeok beop ham
legalization 적법화 more translation jeok beop hwa
legalize 법률화 하다 more translation beop lyul hwa ha da

Word of the day:
timesheet · 출퇴근 시간 기록용지

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