Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 351 - 385 of 548
leaky 새는 more translation sae neun
lean 기대다 more translation gi dae da
leaning 경향 more translation gyeong hyang
leanness 야위어 있음 ya wi eo iss eum
leap 뛰어오르다 more translation ttwi eo o leu da
leap year 윤년 yun nyeon
learn 배우다 more translation bae u da
learned 교육받은 more translation gyo yuk bad eun
learnedly 학식있게 more translation hak sig it ge
learner 학습자 more translation hak seup ja
learning 교육 more translation gyo yuk
lease 빌리다 more translation bil li da
leased 임대된 more translation im dae doen
leasehold 차지 more translation cha ji
leaseholder 차지인 cha ji in
leash 통제하다 more translation tong je ha da
leashed 가죽끈으로 묶인 more translation ga juk kkeun eu lo mukk in
leasing 대여 more translation dae yeo
leasor 임대자 more translation im dae ja
least 가장적은 more translation ga jang jeog eun
leastways 적어도 more translation jeog eo do
leastwise 아무튼 a mu teun
leather 가죽 more translation ga juk
leatherhead 바보 ba bo
leathering 가죽을 붙임 ga jug eul but im
leathern 가죽의 ga jug ui
leathery 가죽 같은 more translation ga jug gat eun
leave 떠나다 more translation tteo na da
leaved 잎이 달린 ip i dal lin
leaven 효모 more translation hyo mo
leavened 부풀어오르게 하는 bu pul eo o leu ge ha neun
leavening 발효시키기 more translation bal hyo si ki gi
leaving 작별 more translation jak byeol
leavings 남은 것 nam eun geot
Lebanese 레바논 인 more translation le ba non in

Word of the day:
typhoon · 태풍

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