Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 455 of 792
comparative 비교를 통한 bi gyo leul tong han
compare 비교하다 bi gyo ha da
comparison 비교 bi gyo
compartment kan
compass 나침반 na chim ban
compassion 동정심 dong jeong sim
compassionate 동정하는 dong jeong ha neun
compatible 호환되는 ho hwan doe neun
compel 강요하다 gang yo ha da
compellable 강요할 수 있는 gang yo hal su it neun
compelling 강렬한 gang lyeol han
compendium 개요 gae yo
compensate 보상하다 bo sang ha da
compete 겨루다 gyeo lu da
competent 유능한 more translation yu neung han
competition 경쟁 more translation gyeong jaeng
competitive 경쟁력있는 more translation gyeong jaeng lyeog it neun
competitor 경쟁자 gyeong jaeng ja
compile 엮다 yeok da
complain 불평하다 bul pyeong ha da
complaint 불평 bul pyeong
compleat 완전한 wan jeon han
complement 보완물 more translation bo wan mul
complementary 보완적인 bo wan jeog in
complete 완전한 more translation wan jeon han
completion 완료 wan lyo
complex 복합적인 bok hap jeog in
compliant 순응하는 sun eung ha neun
complicate 복잡하게하다 bok jap ha ge ha da
complicity 공범 gong beom
compliment 칭찬 ching chan
complimentary 무료의 mu lyo ui
comply 따르다 tta leu da
component 요소 yo so
comport 행동하다 haeng dong ha da

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