Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 806 - 840 of 1293
allege 혐의를 제기하다 hyeom ui leul je gi ha da
allegiant 충성을 다하는 chung seong eul da ha neun
allegoric 우화적인 u hwa jeog in
allergic 알레르기가 있는 more translation al le leu gi ga it neun
allergy 알레르기 al le leu gi
alleviate 완화하다 wan hwa ha da
alley 골목 gol mok
alliance 동맹 dong maeng
alligator 악어 ag eo
allocate 할당하다 hal dang ha da
allow 허락하다 heo lak ha da
allowance 용돈 yong don
alloy 합금하다 more translation hap geum ha da
allude 암시하다 am si ha da
allure 매력 mae lyeok
allusion 암시 am si
allusive 암시적인 am si jeog in
ally 동맹하다 more translation dong maeng ha da
almanac 연감 yeon gam
almighty 엄청난 more translation eom cheong nan
almond 아몬드 a mon deu
almost 거의 geo ui
aloe 알로에 al lo e
aloft 하늘 높이 ha neul nop i
alone 외로운 more translation oe lo un
along ~와 함께 more translation wa ham kke
alongside ~와 동시에 more translation wa dong si e
aloof 냉담한 naeng dam han
aloud 큰소리로 keun so li lo
alp 높은 산 nop eun san
alpenstock 등산지팡이 deung san ji pang i
alphabet 알파벳 al pa bet
already 벌써 more translation beol sseo
alright 괜찮은 more translation gwaen chanh eun
also 또한 tto han

Word of the day:
Rome · 로마

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