Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 701 - 735 of 1293
affinity 친화성 more translation chin hwa seong
affirm 단언하다 more translation dan eon ha da
affirmably 확언적으로 more translation hwag eon jeog eu lo
affirmation 확언 more translation hwag eon
affirmative 긍정하는 more translation geung jeong ha neun
affirmatively 긍정적으로 geung jeong jeog eu lo
affirmativeness 확언적임 hwag eon jeog im
affix 부착하다 more translation bu chak ha da
affixation 첨부 more translation cheom bu
afflatus 영감 yeong gam
afflict 괴롭히다 more translation goe lop hi da
afflicted 괴로워하는 goe lo wo ha neun
affliction 고통 more translation go tong
afflictive 고통스러워하는 more translation go tong seu leo wo ha neun
afflictively 고통스럽게 go tong seu leop ge
affluence 풍요로움 more translation pung yo lo um
affluent 부유한 more translation bu yu han
affluently 풍부하게 pung bu ha ge
afford ~ 여유가되다 more translation yeo yu ga doe da
affordable 여유있는 yeo yu it neun
afforest 산림을 조성하다 san lim eul jo seong ha da
affranchise 해방하다 hae bang ha da
affray 싸움 ssa um
affright 두려워하게 하다 more translation du lyeo wo ha ge ha da
affront 모욕 more translation mo yok
affusion 관수식 gwan su sik
afield 들에 deul e
afire 불타는 more translation bul ta neun
aflame 타오르는 more translation ta o leu neun
afloat 떠다니는 more translation tteo da ni neun
afore 전에 jeon e
aforementioned 앞서 말한 ap seo mal han
aforesaid 진술한 more translation jin sul han
aforethought 미리 생각한 mi li saeng gak han
aforetime 앞서 more translation ap seo

Word of the day:
ripper · 찢는 사람

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