Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1774
umbelliferous 산형화가 피는 more translation san hyeong hwa ga pi neun
umber 암갈색 more translation am gal saek
umbilical 탯줄의 more translation taet jul ui
umbra 암영부 am yeong bu
umbrageous 그늘을 짓는 more translation geu neul eul jit neun
umbrella 우산 more translation u san
umlaut 움라우트 um la u teu
umpire 심판 more translation sim pan
umpireship 심판 sim pan
umpteen 많은 more translation manh eun
umpteenth 여러 번째의 yeo leo beon jjae ui
un 아닌 more translation a nin
unabashed 부끄러운 기색 없는 bu kkeu leo un gi saeg eopt neun
unabashedly 부끄러움 없이 more translation bu kkeu leo um eops i
unabated 전력으로 more translation jeon lyeog eu lo
unabbreviated 생략되지 않은 more translation saeng lyak doe ji anh eun
unable 할수없는 more translation hal su eopt neun
unabridged 생략되지 않은 more translation saeng lyak doe ji anh eun
unabsorbed 흡수되지 않는 more translation heup su doe ji anh neun
unacademic 학술적이지 않은 more translation hak sul jeog i ji anh eun
unaccented 악센트가 없는 more translation ak sen teu ga eopt neun
unaccentuated 강조되지 않은 more translation gang jo doe ji anh eun
unacceptability 받아들일 수 없슴 bad a deul il su eopt seum
unacceptable 받아들이기 어려운 more translation bad a deul i gi eo lyeo un
unacceptably 용납할 수 없이 more translation yong nap hal su eops i
unaccepted 받아들여 지지 않은 more translation bad a deul yeo ji ji anh eun
unacclaimed 칭찬 받을 만 하지 않은 ching chan bad eul man ha ji anh eun
unaccommodated 적응되지 않은 more translation jeog eung doe ji anh eun
unaccommodating 융통성이 없는 more translation yung tong seong i eopt neun
unaccompanied 동행이 없는 more translation dong haeng i eopt neun
unaccomplished 미완성의 more translation mi wan seong ui
unaccountable 설명할 수 없는 more translation seol myeong hal su eopt neun
unaccountably 설명 불가능 하게 more translation seol myeong bul ga neung ha ge
unaccounted 설명되지 않는 seol myeong doe ji anh neun
unaccredited 인정되지 않은 more translation in jeong doe ji anh eun

Word of the day:
volubly · 유창하게

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