Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 2012
sagging 처짐 more translation cheo jim
sagittal 시상 봉합의 more translation si sang bong hab ui
Sahara 사하라 sa ha la
said 이미 언급된 more translation i mi eon geup doen
sail 항해하다 more translation hang hae ha da
sailboat 돛배 more translation doc bae
sailcloth 범포 beom po
sailer more translation bae
sailing 항해 more translation hang hae
sailor 선원 seon won
sailorly 선원다운 seon won da un
saint 성인 more translation seong in
sainted 성인의 열에 든 more translation seong in ui yeol e deun
saintlike 성도다운 seong do da un
saintliness 성스러움 more translation seong seu leo um
saintly 성인다운 more translation seong in da un
sake 동기 more translation dong gi
salable 팔리는 more translation pal li neun
salacious 음란한 more translation eum lan han
salacity 호색 ho saek
salad 샐러드 sael leo deu
salamander 도롱뇽 do long nyong
salami 살라미 sal la mi
salaried 유급의 yu geub ui
salary 월급 more translation wol geup
sale 판매 more translation pan mae
saleable 팔릴 수 있는 pal lil su it neun
sales 판매 more translation pan mae
salesclerk 남자점원 more translation nam ja jeom won
salesgirl 여성판매원 yeo seong pan mae won
salesman 점원 more translation jeom won
salesmanship 판매술 pan mae sul
salespeople 판매원 pan mae won
salesperson 판매원 pan mae won
saleswoman 여자 판매원 yeo ja pan mae won

Word of the day:
lashing · 치기

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