Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 876 - 910 of 2012
sentience 감각성 more translation gam gak seong
sentiency 감각성 more translation gam gak seong
sentient 감각력이 있는 more translation gam gak lyeog i it neun
sentiment 감정 more translation gam jeong
sentimental 감상적인 more translation gam sang jeog in
sentimentalism 감상주의 more translation gam sang ju ui
sentimentality 감정적임 gam jeong jeog im
sentimentalize 감정에 빠지다 gam jeong e ppa ji da
sentimentally 감상적으로 gam sang jeog eu lo
sentinel 보초병 more translation bo cho byeong
sentry 보초병 more translation bo cho byeong
separable 분리될수 있는 more translation bun li doel su it neun
separate 가르다 more translation ga leu da
separated 분리된 more translation bun li doen
separately 갈라져 more translation gal la jyeo
separation 분리 more translation bun li
separatism 분리주의 bun li ju ui
separatist 분리주의자 more translation bun li ju ui ja
separator 분리하는 사람 bun li ha neun sa lam
sepsis 부패 more translation bu pae
sept 씨족 more translation ssi jok
September 구월 more translation gu wol
septenary more translation chil
septennial 칠년마다의 chil nyeon ma da ui
septentrional 북쪽의 buk jjog ui
septet 칠중주 more translation chil jung ju
septette 칠중주 chil jung ju
septic 패혈성의 more translation pae hyeol seong ui
septicaemia 패혈증 pae hyeol jeung
septilateral 칠변의 more translation chil byeon ui
septuagenarian 칠십세의 chil sip se ui
septum 격벽 more translation gyeok byeok
septuple 칠곱으로 하다 more translation chil gob eu lo ha da
sepulchral 음침한 more translation eum chim han
sepulchre 무덤 more translation mu deom

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malformation · 보기 흉한 것

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