Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 386 - 420 of 2012
scaur 흉터 hyung teo
scavenge 쓰레기 더미를 뒤진다 more translation sseu le gi deo mi leul dwi jin da
scavenger 청소도구 cheong so do gu
scenario 각본 more translation gak bon
scene 장면 more translation jang myeon
scenery 경치 more translation gyeong chi
scenic 풍경의 more translation pung gyeong ui
scenical 경치의 gyeong chi ui
scent 향기 more translation hyang gi
scented 향기가 나는 hyang gi ga na neun
scentedness 좋은 냄새가 남 more translation joh eun naem sae ga nam
scentless 냄새가 없는 naem sae ga eopt neun
sceptic 의심 많은 more translation ui sim manh eun
sceptical 의심 많은 more translation ui sim manh eun
sceptically 회의적으로 more translation hoe ui jeog eu lo
schedule 일정 more translation il jeong
scheduled 계획된 gye hoek doen
schema 개요 gae yo
schematic 도식으로 나타낸 more translation do sig eu lo na ta naen
schematically 도식적으로 more translation do sik jeog eu lo
scheme 계략 more translation gye lyak
schism 분열 more translation bun yeol
schismatic 분리적인 bun li jeog in
schismatical 분리적인 bun li jeog in
schist 편암 pyeon am
schizophrenia 정신분열증 jeong sin bun yeol jeung
schizophrenic 정신분열증 환자 more translation jeong sin bun yeol jeung hwan ja
schnorkel 스노클 seu no keul
scholar 학자 more translation hak ja
scholarly 학구적인 more translation hak gu jeog in
scholarship 장학금 jang hak geum
scholastic 학업의 more translation hag eob ui
school 학교 more translation hak gyo
schoolbag 책가방 chaek ga bang
schoolbook 교과서 gyo gwa seo

Word of the day:
sextuple · 여섯배로 되다

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