Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 819
ruminate 되새김길하다 more translation doe sae gim gil ha da
rumination 되새김질 more translation doe sae gim jil
rummage 뒤지다 more translation dwi ji da
rumor 소문 more translation so mun
rumour 소문 more translation so mun
rump 엉덩이 more translation eong deong i
rumple 헝클다 more translation heong keul da
rumpus 소음 so eum
run 뛰다 more translation ttwi da
runagate 탈주자 more translation tal ju ja
runaway 도망자 more translation do mang ja
rundown 쇠퇴 more translation soe toe
runic 고대 북유럽식의 go dae bug yu leop sig ui
runious 파멸을 초래하는 pa myeol eul cho lae ha neun
runlet 작은 통 more translation jag eun tong
runnel 실개천 sil gae cheon
runner 달리는 사람 more translation dal li neun sa lam
running 달리는 more translation dal li neun
runny 흐르는 경향이 있는 more translation heu leu neun gyeong hyang i it neun
runt 꼬마 kko ma
runway 활주로 hwal ju lo
rupee 루피 lu pi
rupture 불화 more translation bul hwa
ruptured 찢어진 more translation jjij eo jin
rural 시골의 more translation si gol ui
ruse 계략 more translation gye lyak
rush 서두르다 more translation seo du leu da
rushed 서두르는 more translation seo du leu neun
russet 적갈색의 more translation jeok gal saeg ui
Russia 러시아 leo si a
Russian 러시아인 more translation leo si a in
rust more translation nok
rustic 투박한 more translation tu bak han
rusticate 시골로 은퇴하다 more translation si gol lo eun toe ha da
rusticity 시골풍 si gol pung

Word of the day:
slacker · 병역 기피자

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