Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 165
offensive 불쾌한 more translation bul kwae han
offer 제의하다 je ui ha da
offhand 퉁명스러운 more translation tung myeong seu leo un
office 사무실 sa mu sil
officer 사무관 sa mu gwan
official 공식적인 gong sik jeog in
official residence 관저 gwan jeo
officialdom 관료 집단 gwan lyo jip dan
officiate 공무를 진행하다 gong mu leul jin haeng ha da
officious 거들먹거리는 more translation geo deul meok geo li neun
offset 상쇄하다 sang swae ha da
offshoot 분파 bun pa
offspring 자식 more translation ja sik
often 자주 ja ju
ogre 도깨비같은 사람 do kkae bi gat eun sa lam
oil 기름 gi leum
oily 기름진 gi leum jin
ointment 연고 yeon go
okay 그래 geu lae
old 오래된 more translation o lae doen
old bachelor 노총각 no chong gak
old maid 노처녀 no cheo nyeo
old-fashioned 구식의 gu sig ui
olden 옛날의 yet nal ui
oligarchy 과두제 gwa du je
olive 올리브 ol li beu
omelet 오믈렛 o meul let
omen 징조 jing jo
ominous 불길한 bul gil han
omission 누락 nu lak
omnivore 잡식동물 jap sik dong mul
on ~위에 more translation wi e
once 한번 han beon
one more translation il
onion 양파 yang pa

Word of the day:
evolutive · 진화의

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