Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 687
mangle 압착 롤러 more translation ap chag lol leo
mango 망고 mang go
mangold 근대의 일종 geun dae ui il jong
mangonel 투석기 tu seok gi
mangy 옴에 걸린 more translation om e geol lin
manhandle 인력으로 움직이다 more translation in lyeog eu lo um jig i da
Manhattan 맨해튼 maen hae teun
manhole 맨홀 maen hol
manhood 남성적인 more translation nam seong jeog in
manhunt 범인 추적 beom in chu jeok
mania 열광 more translation yeol gwang
maniac 열광하는사람 more translation yeol gwang ha neun sa lam
maniacal 광적인 gwang jeog in
manic 미친 more translation mi chin
manicure 매니큐어 more translation mae ni kyu eo
manicurist 매니큐어사 mae ni kyu eo sa
manifest 적하목록 more translation jeok ha mok lok
manifestation 표명 more translation pyo myeong
manifesto 선언서 more translation seon eon seo
manifold 다양성 more translation da yang seong
manikin 난장이 more translation nan jang i
Manila 마닐라 more translation ma nil la
maniple 수대 su dae
manipulate 교묘히 다루다 more translation gyo myo hi da lu da
manipulation 교묘한 취급 more translation gyo myo han chwi geup
manipulative 솜씨있게 다루는 more translation som ssi it ge da lu neun
manipulatively 조종하여 more translation jo jong ha yeo
manipulator 조작하는 사람 jo jak ha neun sa lam
manipulatory 조작의 jo jag ui
mankind 인류 more translation in lyu
manlike 사람 같은 sa lam gat eun
manliness 사내다움 sa nae da um
manly 사내다운 more translation sa nae da un
manmade 인공적인 more translation in gong jeog in
manna 만나 man na

Word of the day:
shoestring · 구두끈

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