Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 251
kneecap 무릎뼈 more translation mu leup ppyeo
kneel 무릎꿇다 more translation mu leup kkulh da
kneepan 슬개골 seul gae gol
knees 무릎 mu leup
knell 종소리 more translation jong so li
knickerbockers 반바지 ban ba ji
knickers 반바지 ban ba ji
knife more translation kal
knifing 칼로 자르기 kal lo ja leu gi
knight 기사 more translation gi sa
knightage 기사단 more translation gi sa dan
knighthood 기사 직위 more translation gi sa jig wi
knightly 기사의 more translation gi sa ui
knit 짜다 more translation jja da
knitted more translation tteun
knitter 짜는 사람 jja neun sa lam
knitting 편물 more translation pyeon mul
knitwear 니트웨어 ni teu we eo
knob hok
knobble 작은 마디 jag eun ma di
knobby 마디가 많은 more translation ma di ga manh eun
knock 두드리다 more translation du deu li da
knockdown 때려눕힘 more translation ttae lyeo nup him
knocker 문 두드리는 사람 more translation mun du deu li neun sa lam
knocking 문두들김 mun du deul gim
knockout 대성공 more translation dae seong gong
knoll 작은 산 jag eun san
knot 매듭 more translation mae deup
knotgrass 마디풀 ma di pul
knotted 얽힌 more translation eolk hin
knotty 매듭이 있는 more translation mae deub i it neun
knout more translation mae
know 알다 more translation al da
knowable 알 수 있는 more translation al su it neun
knowing 알고 있는 more translation al go it neun

Word of the day:
forgetful · 부주의한

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