Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 281 - 299 of 299
justiciable 재판에 회부되어야 할 jae pan e hoe bu doe eo ya hal
justiciary 대사법관 more translation dae sa beop gwan
justifiable 정당하다고 인정되는 more translation jeong dang ha da go in jeong doe neun
justifiably 정당화 되게 jeong dang hwa doe ge
justification 정당화 more translation jeong dang hwa
justificative 정당화하는 jeong dang hwa ha neun
justificatory 정당화하는 jeong dang hwa ha neun
justified 정당화 하는 jeong dang hwa ha neun
justify 정당화 하다 jeong dang hwa ha da
justly 정당하게 more translation jeong dang ha ge
justness 올바름 ol ba leum
jut 돌기 more translation dol gi
juvenescence 젊음 more translation jeolm eum
juvenescent 청년이 되는 cheong nyeon i doe neun
juvenile 어린아이의 more translation eo lin a i ui
juvenilia 청년기의 작품 more translation cheong nyeon gi ui jak pum
juvenility 연소 yeon so
juxtapose 나란히 하다 more translation na lan hi ha da
juxtaposition 나란히 하기 more translation na lan hi ha gi

Word of the day:
emotionless · 무정한

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