Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 287
impregnate 임신시키다 more translation im sin si ki da
impregnated 임신시키는 more translation im sin si ki neun
impregnation 수태 more translation su tae
impresario 흥행주 heung haeng ju
imprescriptible 시효로 소멸되지 않는 si hyo lo so myeol doe ji anh neun
impress 감동을 주다 more translation gam dong eul ju da
impressible 느끼기 쉬운 neu kki gi swi un
impression 인상 more translation in sang
impressionability 감수성 more translation gam su seong
impressionable 느끼기 쉬운 more translation neu kki gi swi un
impressionism 인상주의 in sang ju ui
impressionist 인상주의파 in sang ju ui pa
impressionistic 인상주의의 in sang ju ui ui
impressive 강한 인상을 주는 more translation gang han in sang eul ju neun
impressively 감동적으로 gam dong jeog eu lo
impressment 강제 징모 gang je jing mo
imprest 전도금 jeon do geum
imprimatur 인쇄 허가 more translation in swae heo ga
imprimis 최초에 choe cho e
imprint 흔적 more translation heun jeok
imprintable 기억에 각인 될 수 있는 gi eog e gag in doel su it neun
imprinted 날인된 more translation nal in doen
imprison 수감하다 su gam ha da
imprisoned 교도소에 집어 넣은 more translation gyo do so e jib eo neoh eun
imprisoner 감금된자 more translation gam geum doen ja
imprisonment 투옥 more translation tu ok
improbable 있을 것 같지 않은 more translation iss eul geos gat ji anh eun
improbity 부정직 bu jeong jik
impromptu 즉석연주 more translation jeuk seog yeon ju
improper 부적절한 more translation bu jeok jeol han
improperly 부적절하게 more translation bu jeok jeol ha ge
impropriety 부적당 more translation bu jeok dang
improve 개선되다 more translation gae seon doe da
improved 개선된 more translation gae seon doen
improvement 향상 more translation hyang sang

Word of the day:
trajectory · 궤도

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