Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 1366 - 1400 of 1815
examinee 수험자 su heom ja
examiner 시험관 more translation si heom gwan
examining 조사하기 more translation jo sa ha gi
example 본보기 more translation bon bo gi
exanimate 죽은 jug eun
exanthema 발진 bal jin
exarch 태수 tae su
exasperate 격분시키다 more translation gyeok bun si ki da
exasperating 분통이 터지는 bun tong i teo ji neun
exasperatingly 화나게 more translation hwa na ge
exasperation 격분 gyeok bun
Excalibur 엑스칼리버 ek seu kal li beo
excavate 구멍을 파다 more translation gu meong eul pa da
excavation 발굴 bal gul
excavator 굴착기 gul chak gi
exceed 넘어서다 more translation neom eo seo da
exceeding 초과 more translation cho gwa
exceedingly 대단히 dae dan hi
excel 능가하다 more translation neung ga ha da
excellence 우수 more translation u su
excellency 우수성 more translation u su seong
excellent 우수한 more translation u su han
excellently 훌륭하게 more translation hul lyung ha ge
excelsior 대팻밥 dae paet bap
excenter 방심 bang sim
except 예외 more translation ye oe
excepting ...을 빼고 more translation eul ppae go
exception 이의 i ui
exceptionable 이의를 말할 수 있는 i ui leul mal hal su it neun
exceptional 예외적인 more translation ye oe jeog in
exceptionally 예외적으로 more translation ye oe jeog eu lo
exceptive 제외의 je oe ui
excerpt 발췌록 more translation bal chwe lok
excerption 발췌 bal chwe
excess 초과 more translation cho gwa

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wave · 파장

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