Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1815
earthenware 질그릇 more translation jil geu leut
earthiness 현세적임 more translation hyeon se jeog im
earthlight 지구의 반사광 ji gu ui ban sa gwang
earthling 지구인 ji gu in
earthly 지구의 more translation ji gu ui
earthnut 땅콩 ttang kong
earthquake 지진 ji jin
earthshaking 충격적인 more translation chung gyeok jeog in
earthshine 지구의 반사광 ji gu ui ban sa gwang
earthward 땅쪽으로 more translation ttang jjog eu lo
earthwork 토공사 more translation to gong sa
earthworm 지렁이 ji leong i
earthy 흙의 more translation heulg ui
earwax 귀지 gwi ji
earwig 집게벌레 jip ge beol le
ease 편안함 more translation pyeon an ham
easeful 마음 편한 ma eum pyeon han
easel 이젤 i jel
easement 경감 more translation gyeong gam
easily 용이하게 more translation yong i ha ge
easiness 쉬움 more translation swi um
east 동쪽 more translation dong jjok
eastbound 동쪽으로 향하는 more translation dong jjog eu lo hyang ha neun
Easter 부활절 more translation bu hwal jeol
easterly 동쪽의 more translation dong jjog ui
eastern 동쪽의 more translation dong jjog ui
eastward 동쪽으로 dong jjog eu lo
eastwards 동쪽으로 dong jjog eu lo
easy 편안한 more translation pyeon an han
easygoing 느긋한 more translation neu geut han
eat 먹다 more translation meok da
eatable 먹을 수 있는 meog eul su it neun
eatables 먹을 수 있는 것 meog eul su it neun geot
eaten 다먹어버린 more translation da meog eo beo lin
eater 먹는 사람 meok neun sa lam

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extracurricular · 과외의

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