Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 421 - 455 of 489
broomstick 빗자루 bit ja lu
broth 스프 seu peu
brothel 사창가 sa chang ga
brother 남동생 more translation nam dong saeng
brother in law 처남 more translation cheo nam
brotherhood 형제애 more translation hyeong je ae
brothers 형제 hyeong je
brown 갈색 gal saek
browse 검색하다 more translation geom saek ha da
bruise 타박상 more translation ta bak sang
brush more translation sol
brutal 잔인한 jan in han
bubble 거품 geo pum
buck 펄쩍 뛰다 peol jjeog ttwi da
bucket 양동이 yang dong i
buckle 버클 more translation beo keul
bud more translation ssak
buddy 단짝 dan jjak
budget 예산 ye san
buffet 뷔페 bwi pe
bug 벌레 beol le
bugging 도청 do cheong
bugle 나팔 na pal
build 세우다 more translation se u da
building 건물 geon mul
built 지어진 ji eo jin
bulb 전구 more translation jeon gu
bulge 가득차다 ga deuk cha da
bulk 대량 dae lyang
bull 황소 hwang so
bullet 총알 chong al
bum 부랑자 bu lang ja
bumble 윙윙거리다 more translation wing wing geo li da
bumblebee 호박벌 ho bak beol
bump 부딪치다 bu dit chi da

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