Korean Dictionary

English Korean Pronunciation
Showing translation entries 386 - 420 of 1293
acrimony 호됨 ho doem
acrobat 곡예사 gog ye sa
acrobatic 곡예의 gog ye ui
acrobatics 곡예 gog ye
acronym 두문자어 du mun ja eo
acrophobia 고소 공포증 go so gong po jeung
Acropolis 아크로폴리스 a keu lo pol li seu
across 건너서 more translation geon neo seo
acrylic 아크릴 수지 more translation a keu lil su ji
act 행동하다 more translation haeng dong ha da
acting 연기 more translation yeon gi
actinia 말미잘 무리 mal mi jal mu li
actinic 화학선의 hwa hak seon ui
actinism 화학선 작용 hwa hak seon jag yong
action 행동 haeng dong
actionable 소송을 일으킬만 한 so song eul il eu kil man han
activate 활성화하다 hwal seong hwa ha da
activation 활성화 hwal seong hwa
activator 활성화 시키는 사람 more translation hwal seong hwa si ki neun sa lam
active 활동적인 more translation hwal dong jeog in
actively 활발히 hwal bal hi
activism 행동주의 more translation haeng dong ju ui
activist 활동가 hwal dong ga
activistic 실천주의의 more translation sil cheon ju ui ui
activity 활동 more translation hwal dong
actor 남자배우 more translation nam ja bae u
actress 여자배우 yeo ja bae u
actual 실제의 more translation sil je ui
actualities 시사 more translation si sa
actuality 현실 more translation hyeon sil
actualization 현실화 과정 hyeon sil hwa gwa jeong
actualize 현실화하다 more translation hyeon sil hwa ha da
actually 실제로 more translation sil je lo
actuarial 보험통계의 bo heom tong gye ui
actuary 보험 수리사 bo heom su li sa

Word of the day:
wield · 지배하다

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