Translation of “with” in Korean

11 translation entries available
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~와 함께
Pronunciation wa ham kke
She lives with her parents.
그녀는 부모님과 함께 산다.
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~을 가진
Pronunciation eul ga jin
a girl with red hair
빨간 머리의 소녀
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~으로
Pronunciation eu lo
Cut it with a knife.
그것을 칼로 잘라라.
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~와
Pronunciation wa
I had an argument with my boss.
나는 상사와 언쟁을 했다.
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~에 대해
Pronunciation e dae hae
Are you pleased with the result?
그 결과에 대해 만족하세요?
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~때문에
Pronunciation ttae mun e
His fingers were numb with cold.
그의 손은 추위때문에감각이 없었다.
English with
Type preposition
Korean ~에도 불구하고
Pronunciation e do bul gu ha go
With all her faults I still love her.
그녀의 모든 단점들에도 불구하고 나는 그래도 그녀를 사랑한다.
English with
Type preposition
Korean ...와 함께
Pronunciation wa ham kke
English with
Type preposition
Korean ...한 성질의
Pronunciation han seong jil ui
English with
Type preposition
Korean ...의 방법으로
Pronunciation ui bang beob eu lo
English with
Type preposition
Korean ...의
Pronunciation ui

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bound · ~할것 같은

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