Translation of “whatever” in Korean

6 translation entries available
English whatever
Type pronoun
Korean 무엇이던
Pronunciation mu eos i deon
Do whatever you like.
무엇이든 당신이 좋아하는 일을 하라.
English whatever
Type pronoun
Korean 어떤
Pronunciation eo tteon
Whatever decision he made I would support it.
그가 어떤 결정을 내려도 나는 그것을 지지할 것이었다.
English whatever
Type adverb
Korean 전혀
Pronunciation jeon hyeo
They received no help whatever.
그들은 전혀 도움을 받지 못했다.
English whatever
Type adjective
Korean 무엇이든지
Pronunciation mu eos i deun ji
English whatever
Type adjective
Korean 어떤것
Pronunciation eo tteon geot
English whatever
Type pronoun
Korean 무엇이든지
Pronunciation mu eos i deun ji

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