Translation of “transmit” in Korean

6 translation entries available
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 보내다
Pronunciation bo nae da
Definition to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination; dispatch; convey.
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 유전시키다
Pronunciation yu jeon si ki da
Definition to pass on (a genetic characteristic) from parent to offspring: The mother transmitted her red hair to her daughter.
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 전염시키다
Pronunciation jeon yeom si ki da
Definition to pass or spread (disease, infection, etc.) to another
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 전달하다
Pronunciation jeon dal ha da
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 옮기다
Pronunciation olm gi da
English transmit
Type verb
Korean 송신하다
Pronunciation song sin ha da

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