Translation of “scum” in Korean

6 translation entries available
English scum
Type noun
Korean 거품
Pronunciation geo pum
Skim off any scum.
거품을 말끔히 걷어 내어라.
English scum
Type noun
Korean 인간 쓰레기
Pronunciation in gan sseu le gi
Don't waste your sympathy on scum like that.
그런 쓰레기 같은 인간에게 당신의 동정심을 낭비하지 말아라.
English scum
Type noun
Korean 먼지
Pronunciation meon ji
English scum
Type noun
Korean 쓰레기
Pronunciation sseu le gi
English scum
Type verb
Korean ...에서 뜬 찌꺼기를 걷어내다
Pronunciation e seo tteun jji kkeo gi leul geod eo nae da
English scum
Type verb
Korean ...에 거품을 만들다
Pronunciation e geo pum eul man deul da

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