Translation of “scoot” in Korean

6 translation entries available
English scoot
Type noun
Korean 돌진
Pronunciation dol jin
English scoot
Type verb
Korean 서둘러가다
Pronunciation seo dul leo ga da
I'd better scoot or I'll be late.
내가 서둘러 가야겠어. 안 그러면 늦을거야.
English scoot
Type verb
Korean 좁혀 앉다
Pronunciation jop hyeo ant da
Scoot over so that more of you can get into the car.
더 많은 사람이 차에 탈 수 있도록 자리를 좁혀 앉아라.
English scoot
Type verb
Korean 내닫다
Pronunciation nae dat da
English scoot
Type verb
Korean 재빨리 움직이다
Pronunciation jae ppal li um jig i da
English scoot
Type verb
Korean 돌진하다
Pronunciation dol jin ha da

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