Translation of “safe” in Korean

4 translation entries available
English safe
Type noun
Korean 금고
Pronunciation geum go
Definition a steel or iron box or repository for money, jewels, papers, etc.
도둑이 은행의 금고를 부수고 돈을 가져갔습니다.
The burglar broke the safe and took the money from the bank.
English safe
Type adjective
Korean 안전한
Pronunciation an jeon han
Definition secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.
It is safe to drive when the storm is over.
폭풍이 끝난 후에 운전하는 것이 안전합니다.
English safe
Type adjective
Korean 보호받는
Pronunciation bo ho bat neun
English safe
Type adjective
Korean 신중을 기하는
Pronunciation sin jung eul gi ha neun

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