Translation of “master” in Korean

12 translation entries available
English master
Type noun
Korean 주인
Pronunciation ju in
English master
Type noun
Korean 지배자
Pronunciation ji bae ja
English master
Type noun
Korean 선장
Pronunciation seon jang
English master
Type noun
Korean 교장
Pronunciation gyo jang
English master
Type noun
Korean 소유주
Pronunciation so yu ju
English master
Type verb
Korean 명령하다
Pronunciation myeong lyeong ha da
English master
Type verb
Korean 굴복시키다
Pronunciation gul bok si ki da
English master
Type verb
Korean 정통하다
Pronunciation jeong tong ha da
English master
Type adjective
Korean 주요한
Pronunciation ju yo han
English master
Type adjective
Korean 지배하는
Pronunciation ji bae ha neun
English master
Type adjective
Korean 능통한
Pronunciation neung tong han
English master
Type adjective
Korean 우수한
Pronunciation u su han

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