Translation of “lash” in Korean

7 translation entries available
English lash
Type noun
Korean 채찍질하기
Pronunciation chae jjik jil ha gi
English lash
Type noun
Korean 휘몰아치는 힘
Pronunciation hwi mol a chi neun him
English lash
Type noun
Korean 속눈썹
Pronunciation sok nun sseop
English lash
Type verb
Korean 채찍질하다
Pronunciation chae jjik jil ha da
English lash
Type verb
Korean 후려치다
Pronunciation hu lyeo chi da
English lash
Type verb
Korean 세차게 부딪치다
Pronunciation se cha ge bu dit chi da
English lash
Type verb
Korean 세차게 움직이다
Pronunciation se cha ge um jig i da

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